“Come forth into the light of things; let nature be your teacher.” - William Wordsworth
Saturday, September 11 - 12-4 pm
UCLB Courtyard, 525 E. Prospect Avenue, Lake Bluff
FREE and open to the public
As part of Lake Bluff’s 125th Anniversary celebration in 2021, Union Church of Lake Bluff will be honoring the spirit of Lake Bluff’s popular Camp Meetings of the late 1800s by hosting a Camp Meeting “Chautauqua.”
Let Nature Be Your Teacher will feature prominent environmental speakers and a panel discussion focused on backyard ecology and what each of us can do to contribute positively to Lake Bluff’s ecosystem. The day’s events will also include live music by local talent and learning activities for children and adults alike.
Water will be available on site; please bring your own water bottles.
Featured Speakers
Local historian Kathy O’Hara will share the fascinating history of the Lake Bluff Camp Meeting Association that attracted thousands of people to Lake Bluff from 1875 to 1900.
John Andersen, Jr. will share Lessons from Nature - stories he has learned while working across businesses, government, and scientific communities to conserve and sustain the natural resources that sustain society, with a focus on health of our Great Lakes.
Sue Raymoure, a steward of Lake Bluff’s treasured ravines and Vice President of Lake Bluff Open Lands Association (LBOLA), will speak about the efforts to restore and preserve Lake Bluff ravines.
Charlotte Adelman, co-author of many books on Midwestern native gardens and prairies, will share Gardening and Landscaping in Harmony with Nature, discussing the importance and fragility of the ancient Midwestern prairie ecosystem.
Ryan Anderson, from the IPM Institute of North America, will discuss Midwest Grows Green: Growing Healthy Lawns and Communities, addressing the need to follow the cost-effective, more biologically sound approach of natural lawn care.
Bill Nordeen, a member of LBOLA and a local beekeeper, will speak about the importance of bees to our community and how to welcome them into your garden.
What is a “Chautauqua”?
Chautauqua was a highly popular adult education and social movement in the United States in the late 1800s through early 1920s. The outdoor summer educational program format was made famous by the New York Chautauqua Assembly at a camp resort on the shores of Lake Chautauqua, with similar venues growing throughout North America. Although the Chautauqua movement was founded by Methodists, the events were non-denominational.
One local offshoot of the movement was sponsored by the Lake Bluff Camp Meeting Association. The Association acquired over 100 acres of property and, from 1875 to 1900, sponsored summer religious and social events on their grounds, including educational assemblies, concerts, and recreational activities. The LBCMA Tabernacle, capable of housing up to 3,000 visitors, was located in the courtyard area immediately east of the Union Church.
Unlike other Chautauquas, the Lake Bluff Camp Meeting focused on recreation, arts, and education. Classes in foreign languages, microscopy, photography, and oratory were held, as were lectures, lantern shows, and social events.
This event is sponsored in partnership with the Lake Bluff 125th Anniversary Committee.