
At the Union Church, we are committed to the education and growth of all of our members. 

Our Sunday School includes children from nursery through high school. We have dedicated teachers whose priority is to do three things: to create a space in which everyone feels included and valued; to learn together about what the Bible teaches us; and to translate what we believe into caring action. 

On a typical Sunday morning, our children and youth start in worship and stay until the children’s sermon is done. They then go downstairs where they have their own worship time. After that, they split into age-appropriate classes. Our lessons are guided by a common curriculum. We also very often spend part or all of our Sunday time on specific service projects.

There are special groups during the week for fourth and fifth graders (Live Wires) and for junior and senior high youth (H2O). These groups have a schedule of meetings during the year (Live Wires on Wednesdays after school and H2O on selected Friday evenings). Youth who are in seventh grade or above are invited to participate in Confirmation Class, which meets after church on Sundays from January through May. 


Kids entering eight grade and older and our adults join forces for our annual Work Trip. We typically are gone for the better part of a week in June, working on various home rehab projects, building decks and handicapped access ramps, and painting murals. We fundraise all year to make this happen. These trips have been life-changing for all of those who have participated.

As adults, we have three main offerings for education. On Tuesday mornings, the Church Ladies group meets for book and film discussion, shared joys and concerns prayers, and fellowship. On Wednesday evenings at different times of the year, we have Bible Study, which focuses on the text for the upcoming Sunday’s sermon. Throughout the year on several Sundays, we offer adult education classes, usually at 9 a.m. prior to church services.