April 29, 2024

Follow-up on Congregational Meeting- THANK YOU!

The Pastoral Transition Team would like to express their gratitude to the congregation for their support of hiring a search firm for the upcoming transition process!  They are very thankful for the strong attendance at last Sunday's meeting and the great questions asked by the congregation.  For those who were unable to attend the meeting, the slideshow is attached.  

The team will be hiring The Center for Healthy Churches (CHC) and working specifically with Dr. Matt Cook.  He will begin the process by meeting directly with the Pastoral Transition Team, and then he will be coming back into town to engage the congregation in several conversations.  Everyone is strongly encouraged to participate and share their thoughts and ideas!  

If you have any questions, please reach out to a Pastoral Transition Team member or complete the form that is posted to this page.

Emily McBean